
Current Engagements


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Dedicated Labs

IoT works Lab 21

  Service Catalog

Product Development

Product Sustenance

Build Engineering & Automation

Azure Migration

Partner Enablement

Catalogue Engineering

Accessibility & Security Compliance

Program Management

Product Expertise

Azure Engineering
Microsoft Teams
Dynamics 365
Azure Active Dir & Security
Windows & Devices Group
Power BI
Office 365

Solutions & Accelerators

PR Insight Tool

One stop solution for monitoring the PRs of complete team and minimizes micromanagement. Also, follow up of varied status of PR can be done to take appropriate action.

Dependency Matrix

The mechanism arranges all stakeholders in sync with the ETAs, initiates prioritization, sprint planning and most importantly avoids last minute release blocker.

Customizable Dropdown

The tool’s unique lightweight utility aids in customizing the dropdown list as per the needs. The mechanism offers rapid rendering and smooth user interface experience and is quite extendable for new properties.

Measure Validation

Tool that ensures enhanced data quality and encourages entire development team to monitor the accuracy of data by merely utilizing single notification.

NULL value Check

Effective tool to recognize columns with all null values and simultaneously enhances data accuracy by reporting respective columns.

Snapshot Audit Notification

Tool that efficiently monitors methods like SSRS report notification for snapshot feeds and safeguards successful historical data logging.

Threshold Check

The mechanism secures information quality and allows legitimate data to remain in the system by erasing the irrelevant ones.

Custom Truncate

The tool curtails the destination when there is data at source table and protects data quality. Also, it offers full proof solution that ceases deletion of target data in the absence of no data at source.

Azure communication Service Voice/Video calling

Effective tool to help add new participants, record varied calling sessions, download recording sessions and above all build tracker azure VM automation too.

Build tracker Azure VM Automation

Build Tracker instrument offers any build lab a one stop automated infrastructure for managing the lab, multiple products, their complex parallel, distributed builds, user access to depots, drops and much more.

Columbia Chatbot

Fruitful mechanism to integrate chat bot with mobile app and MPOS to assist user for shopping as per customer interest of locating nearest store and helping for check-out.

Payment Wallet integrations

Effectual tool that offers a new payment connector to integrate the POS application with PayTm provider as one of the payment methods.

NRF demo for Payment via Mobile App

Productive tool showcases latest shopping and payment feature to users where they can scan items through mobile app, generate QR code which can later be scanned at any MPOS for payments.

Pricing Simulator

Through this productive tool store manager can view and validate actual discounts after configuration of discounts in store which further helps fix pricing errors quite conveniently.

Demo Data tool

Competent tool that uses the excel data connector add-in and varied data entities. The OOB Data entities and imports the data through excel data connector.

Azure Resource Utilization

Effective resource optimization tool that calculates VM and SQL databases cost, also manages the Azure VM request workflow in no time.

Enhanced Reporting

Rule based engine that helps in reduction of validation efforts and identify ship-blockers instantly.

Accessibility BOT

Automated Response engine for all Accessibility related queries raised by a Developer, Tester or a Product owner.

Accessibility Test Automation

Accessibility automation solution that uses AXE API to run the Accessibility checks automatically adhering the WGAG guidelines while reducing manual efforts by 80%.