Dependency Matrix

Matrix to list mapping for the deliverables, helping proper connect and follow-ups to timely close work.

Business Problem

  • There are issues in estimation especially when multiple cross teams are working on same feature.
  • There are lot of synchronizing issues that lead to inaccurate estimations and at times leading to bottlenecks


  • Identify team creating the bottleneck
  • Help in proper estimation as when feature will be live
  • Helpful when multiple cross teams working on same feature
  • Help in identifying which tasks can run in parallel and which will go in sequence
  • Help in taking decision in sprint planning, and prioritization of sub features

Why is the solution unique

  • Timely deliverable
  • Making all stakeholders in sync with the ETAs
  • Prioritization and sprint planning
  • Avoid last minute release blocker

Features/BP diagram of the solution

  • Matrix list down all dependencies for the deliverables, makes it easy for all stakeholders
  • All Steps that are required to complete big features

Matrix example screenshot.

Proof Points

  • Successful delivery of Operator Connect
  • Successful delivery of Audio Conferencing work
  • This is helping in timely deliveries of medium TAC features also