Accessibility Test Automation

Accessibility compliance for any product is on top priority for any product or application to be released in global market. Different countries looks for Accessibility compliance certificate before they introduce any product to their users. This solution also focuses on finding out the Accessibility issues in an product where we could run the Accessibility scenarios or rules to identify the issues so that product owners could fix those during the development phase before releasing it to users.

Business Problem

More manual efforts and test cycles needed to execute Accessibility scenarios to identify the issues within the application.


Accessibility automation uses AXE API to run the Accessibility checks automatically adhering the WGAG guideline which are global standards in the industry and reduces the manual testing efforts by 80%.

Why is the solution unique

  • This solution could be integrated with the UI test automation framework which checks issues wrt any web page or any specific feature.
  • Dev can run automated test cases on any piece of code which they have either updated or newly implemented.
  • This also provides failure reports along with the suggestions for dev on how they will fix the Accessibility issues.
  • Report also points to specific UI element which introduced the issue which in turn help dev to reduce the investigation time needed to identify the UI element.
  • Saved $90K / year for customer by reducing manual test effort.

Features/BP diagram of the solution

Accessibility Test Automation report