Customizable Dropdown

Customizable Drop down is required that can be customized as per the need for different properties for web pages

Business Problem

Dropdown menus allows only one value to be selected from a predefined list.


  • Lightweight utility helps to customize the dropdown list as per the business requirement
  • Provides quick rendering and smooth UI experience
  • Highly extendable to add more properties.

Why is the solution unique

  • Will be replaced in all web applications of SKYPE_PSTN (MoPo and NMP)
  • Easily integrated in any page of web application
  • Extended searching capabilities missing in normal drop down with 250 approximate list.

Features/BP diagram of the solution

Custom dropdown can help user to use the properties to toggle this dropdown to

  • Normal drop down
  • Searchable drop down
  • Multi select dropdown
  • Multiselect and search combined dropdown
  • Associate different icons with the lists

Customizable Dropdown examples.

Proof Points

  • Uploaded it in Storybook, where anyone having access can play around its functionalities. Customer approved control
  • In progress replacement of the existing drop downs with the utility in Voice App areas