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Unison is HCL’s in-house crowdsourcing platform for managing customer work request, community management & partner onboarding.

Business Problem

  • Need of Spike Management
  • One Time Work for standard services
  • Comprehensive Experience from multiple countries
  • One-time feedback at very scale


Our solution Unison is a Managed Crowd Sourcing Program. It addresses the challenges of Spike Management, and comprehensive testing need from multiple countries. The end-to-end tracking of deliverable for quality and timely delivery assured by HCL deployed Execution Leads and Product Planners.

  • The Solutions consists of following Platform Integrated tools
    • Unison Portal for Job creation and Planning
    • MS Teams Channels created for document sharing and collaboration
    • Azure DevOps (VSO) for Task tracking for crowd users and Bug repository
    • Cloud VMs for providing secure development environment

Why is the solution unique

  • Managed Crowdsourcing Model: Managed by HCL's own program managers and execution leads.
  • Supports both Internal and External community users.
  • Leveraging Internal workforce
  • Creating functional solutions (development and testing)
  • Utilizing Critical skillsets of professionals for projects that are underway
  • Fast tracking delivery of critical projects and applications

Features/BP diagram of the solution

  • User Registration
  • Role Management
  • Job Postings
  • Job Applications
  • Work package management and tracking
  • User selection
  • Profile Management
  • Rewards Management

Proof Points

  • BTIS Team has adopted UNISON for crowdsourced development
  • Multiple test and dev POCs done e.g.
    • PWD Feedback (Specialized Experience)
    • MS Teams (Short Duration, Spike Management)
    • YouTube GO (Real Users, real locations)
    • ASCEND Site development