URLs Redirection Tool (Macros)

Automated URL redirection verification tool.

Business Problem

For every redirection request from old URL to a new URL one needs to manually load the URL and check the redirection along with its status code(EX: 200,404, 301) in console. This needs to be repeated for 62 markets or multiple URLs which is a monotonous time-consuming process.


Automates the process of URL redirection verification using VB script in Excel. Excel macros are written to reduce the manual effort thus adding value to the customers by increasing the test efficacy.

Why is the solution unique

  • Reduction in manual efforts to increase the test efficiency with clear redirection status
  • Multiple URLs can be provided as input to excel file. Macros will take care of redirection with single click and the only task left would be to prepare the list of URLs to validate
  • A pioneering value add from HCL to Microsoft marking its position in esteemed projects running under Microsoft.

Features/BP diagram of the solution

  • Automated the process of URL redirection verification using VB script in Excel
  • Excel Macros helps to eliminate the manual effort thus increasing the test efficiency.


Proof Points

  • Reduced the manual effort by saving around one hour per day (264 hours per annum) for URL redirection verification in Digital Marketing Programs. Increases the test efficiency with clear redirection status.
  • Also, used in engagements like Windows Consumer, Windows for Business, Microsoft Edge Commercial and Edge Consumer.
  • It is used in
    • Windows Consumer
    • Windows for business
    • Surface Consumer
    • Surface Commercial