Sitemap.xml verifier

Tool to validate the xml sitemap for corrective formatting during the launch of a website.

Business Problem

Extensive manual effort involved in verification of sitemap.xml file as the current sitemap.xml has page URLs appended with publish dates in an unformatted manner making it hectic and time consuming to verify the timestamp of page/s for 50+ locales.


HCL developed console application that takes a notepad file as an input and output.

  • Input file contains the list of sitemap.xml for required markets while the output file includes the list of page URLs with publish date appended against each locale
  • This formatted text can then be manually verified by the tester without any hassle.

Why is the solution unique

  • Reduced manual efforts (repetitive work across markets) with increased test efficiency
  • Useful during launches to verify all applicable sitemap files across 50+locales in just few minutes
  • Can be reutilized in other similar kind of projects as per the client requirement
  • Appreciated value add to Microsoft.

Features/BP diagram of the solution

  • .Net based console application takes notepad file as an input and output
  • Helps to validate if your xml sitemap is operating as you intend.

Proof Points

  • Saved 30 min per day on an average in Sitemap verification for Digital Marketing Program.
  • Also, used in engagements like Surface Consumer, Surface Commercial, Windows Consumer and Windows for Business.
  • It is used in
    • Windows Consumer
    • Windows for business
    • Surface Consumer
    • Surface Commercial