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The HCL AUX Suite- Site Monitoring

AUX Site Monitoring tool helps in periodic and continuous monitoring of URL at definite frequency to identify major accessibility issues.

Business Problem

  • Digital Age- Innovation and new opportunities to ‘everyone’
  • Leaders in disability employment and inclusion out forms others at a substantial rate.
  • Continuous monitoring of Url for accessibility checks.


AUX site monitoring opens each URL one by one in browser to get complete DOM and the validate the page as per the WCAG rules. It does the same multiple times at specified time and frequency as per the client’s requirement.

  • Email alerts are sent for each test pass execution
  • Issue reports for historical data
  • Helps in reducing the defect resolution time by providing remediation notes to the user/developer
  • It also has the functionality to upload results at a given location.

Why is the solution unique

  • Complies with the principles of WCAG which is de facto standard for government regulators
  • Highly customizable solution as per the client's requirement
  • Scheduled scans on single or multiple URLs at defined time and frequency

Features/BP diagram of the solution

  • Continues monitoring of accessibility issues for URLs as per- WCAG 2.0, 2.1 A, AA, AAA, Section 508 rules
  • Creation of compliance reports showcasing compliance score for complete website along with its child URLs.
  • Source View showing web page code annotated with issues and how-to-fix help notes

Proof Points

License (including Support) for this tool has been purchased by LinkedIn Accessibility Team in FY21. Contract renewed in FY22 as well.