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SecIntAI (Security Intelligence & Analytics Solution) is an effective framework for automated threat detection and mitigation. It identifies threats using advanced technologies such as machine learning and AI.

Business Problem

Companies are striving to find a way to limit risks and mitigate the impact of a breach. The current technology disruptions require organizations to transcend traditional security event monitoring.


It is a one-of-a-kind proprietary threat mitigating framework. At its core, it leverages big data analytics and advanced correlation to discover dangers in the IT world.

Why is the solution unique

SecIntAI leverages context information gained from assets, data classification, and user identities. It further utilizes the intelligence gained from multiple sources such as global feeds, IP/domain reputation and contextualizes it with the traffic observed in customer environment.

Features/BP diagram of the solution

It provides threat-modelling based on attack simulation methodology to test various attack scenarios on different exposure segments. It is also helpful for

  • Incident Evidence Gathering and Forensic Analysis
  • Performing pattern matching to discover anomalies
  • Performing Global Correlation
  • Log collection and Historical Analysis
  • Vulnerability & Risk Management
  • Collaborative Threat Intel