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IDaaS (Identity-as-a-Service) is a useful framework for identifying and access management of individuals, items, partners, and customers. It ensures that data privacy rules are followed.

Business Problem

Business demands on Identity & Access Management (IAM) are changing, making it essential to adopt emergent technologies rapidly.


It is a a cost effective Opex model as a substitute for building and maintaining IAM infrastructure. Ongoing maintenance and upgrade costs required to deploy and maintain an IAM infrastructure are also done away with.

Why is the solution unique

The solution is pre-built with standardized processes, policies and workflows, which makes it possible to implement a highly scalable and flexible IAM solution efficiently. The service is provided either as a fully hosted or managed (on-premise) solution. IDaaS incorporates advanced consumer Identity & Access Management (IAM) functionality and a service layer simplifying day-to-day management.

Features/BP diagram of the solution

Managing the new enterprise perimeter – “identity” for users, things, partners, and consumers, the solution can provide

  • End-to-end identity services for identifying life cycle management & governance and certification
  • Web access management & strong authentication
  • Privileged account management
  • Policies consistently across entire organization and in virtual and Cloud environments
  • Industry standard SLAs based support
  • Compliance with data privacy laws