Perfect Page Parser Suite

P3 suite, tool validates a webpage against a standard document containing elements that possesses the expected behavior as per the controls present on the webpage. Checks accessibility rules as per the standard guidelines.

Business Problem

So far, no prominent solution is available to validate a webpage against standards like Accessibility rules, unique ids, tooltip verification, content verification, link verification, etc.


It validates links, areas labels, meta tag, content & PLT of web pages and displays everything at one place altogether to facilitate human evaluation of a web page.
Business Benefits includes-

  • Precise and better results
  • Reduction in manual efforts
  • Automated report generation

Why is the solution unique

  • Validates HTML, CSS, links, content, performance and other validations for a web page in a single instance by providing the URL and selecting the parameters to validate all at once.
  • Empowers the link validation by providing an option to upload support documents.

Features/BP diagram of the solution

Validates a Web page against a standard document that contains the expected behavior of the controls present on the web page like as follows :

  • Link verification for Destination URL, On Hover Destination, Link Text Verification, Internal / External , Http / Https
  • Page Level Verification for Unique Ids, Tooltip Verification, Link \ Image Class, Links with missing Aria Label, Links with title attribute, Broken Links, Meta Tags
  • Image Validation- Aria Label, Narrator Span, Alt Text, Title Text and Role

Proof Points

  • On an average the tool helps to save 10 hours per day across all projects in Digital marketing program (i.e. 2640 hours per annum) that were earlier utilized to manually validate links, areas labels, meta tag, content & PLT of web pages.
  • It is used in
    • Windows Consumer
    • Windows for business
    • Surface Consumer
    • Surface Commercial