Optimus eDAT

Optimus eDAT a modular, scalable and highly customizable framework enabling black-box and invasive modes of testing of embedded software for automotive, aero and healthcare sectors.

Business Problem

  • Stress endures around automation tools expertise
  • Complexity accompanied with complex test scenarios
  • Version associated challenges
  • Commercial Test automation platforms resulting in ROI deficit.


HCL’s Optimus eDAT is an intelligent test automation platform enabling quicker test design and optimized test execution of applications and devices by co-existing with the current test ecosystem. It provides an analytics led test ecosystem for web, mobile, desktop, embedded applications and electronic devices resulting in effort savings of up to 70% over the test automation lifecycle. Accelerates the time to market by 20-30% by seamlessly integrating with HCL proprietary frameworks and other third-party tools.

  • Optimal ROI with multiple DUTs
  • Easy PowerShell based scripting to automate tasks
  • Seamless integrating with reports generation during automation execution

Why is the solution unique

  • Electronic / embedded device automation testing
  • Patented the Automation test framework and FPGA Based GUI capturing and testing
  • Seamless integration with legacy & new test infrastructures
  • Device and resolution independent
  • Ease of adoption with limited coding knowledge required

Features/BP diagram of the solution

  • Vision Based and Input Simulation Testing
  • Speech simulation and playback testing, alarm and audio testing
  • Touch Screen Testing
  • Supports BT, USB, Wi-Fi, Ethernet, CAN interfaces
  • Robotic arm based non-intrusive testing

Proof Points

  • 90% test cycle time reduction per regression cycle for a leading Japanese business and industrial imaging product manufacturer, and a leading American Online major.
  • Achieved 80% test cycle time reduction and 85% of test coverage for a leading French aerospace systems and equipment Suppliers group.