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Octagon, an ML based Unified, Technology and Platform agnostic Automation Accelerator for both
Functional and Non-Functional testing.

Business Problem

  • Single solution to cater all the application types
  • Automation solution which support common application types viz Web, Mobile, Desktop etc
  • Supports Web Services, Service Virtualization features
  • Wide and complex tool sets
  • Solution should be capable of supporting and plugin different toolsets
  • Support Web, mobile and Web services
  • Faster and multiple releases
  • Choose framework which runs on CI/CD and address Non functional testing in devOps cycle.
  • Enables Continuous Testing


A Unified test automation Accelerator for both Functional and Non-Functional automation

  • Technology & platform agnostic framework, supports 8 type of applications automation viz., Web Applications, Mobile Native Applications, Cloud Applications, API testing, Micro / Web Services at the Functional side while Performance, Security & Accessibility at the Non-Functional side.
  • Easy to adapt and use, accelerates Scripts development at the same time
  • Provides sufficient coverage of testing for microservices viz Functional, contract, End to end Integration.
  • Productivity improved by 15-20% with automated script development
  • Test execution rate increased by 60-70%

Why is the solution unique

  • One framework for functional and non-functional automation
  • Centralized Test Session Management
  • PageFactory - Centralized Factory model for accessing all POM(Page Object Model)
  • No extra effort is required since same functional tests run for both localization testing and performance testing.
  • Configurable Test Suite Management - Handling test execution based on requirements
  • Headless execution support
  • Supports variety of Mobile Devices through mobile clouds viz Testdroid, seetest cloud
  • Reusable (canned functions) functions

Features/BP diagram of the solution

  • Web UI on Console, Mobile and cloud empowers headless execution, responsive website testing
  • Desktop/ Cloud deployable products and applications that are multi-OS and platform compatible
  • Supports Microservices and Web services Testing
  • Supports security testing of Web, cloud, mobile and other services and providing the comprehensive security recommendations
  • Seamlessly integrates with CI/CD tools and technologies over the DevOps pipeline

Proof Points

  • QA partner for the largest American Satellite Radio Player. Implemented Automation Solution for Web, Mobile, Surface and Smart Audio Devices ensuring 80% automation coverage with 20-25% reduced testing cost.
  • Automation & QA Partner for largest Telecom player in US. Automation coverage for both Functional and Nonfunctional Testing for the eCommerce applications on Microservices platforms. Efforts reduced by 25%-30% for each QA cycle.