File Validator Logo

The HCL AUX Suite- File Validator

AUX File Validator is an indispensable tool under the AUX suite umbrella that helps validate multiple HTML, CSS, RSS, Emails, DITA, Word files

Business Problem

  • Digital Age- Innovation and new opportunities to ‘everyone’
  • Leaders in disability employment and inclusion out forms others at a substantial rate
  • Error prone manual intervention in documents validation


AUX File validator helps in validation of multiple HTML, CSS, RSS, Emails, DITA, Word files as per the accessibility rules set by WCAG. One can select the files for validation on the homepage along with the standard to validate against.

  • Test pass scheduling
  • Consolidated detailed issue report for each run
  • Comprehensive Dashboards showcasing crucial information like issue counts, issue description, issue history, etc
  • Source View showing web page code annotated with issues and how-to-fix help notes.

Why is the solution unique

  • Complies with the principles of WCAG which is de facto standard for government regulators
  • Multiple files can be validated in a single go saving time and effort
  • Detailed message alerts on the type of accessibility issue occurred.

Features/BP diagram of the solution

  • It confirms if the PwD users can access the files using national and international accessibility standards: WCAG 2.0 A, AA, AAA, US Federal Section 508 or as per any company specific standards
  • Evaluate diverse file types including HTML, CSS, Email, Word docs etc. as per WCAG success criteria.

File Validator Homepage screenshot.

Proof Points

  • Has been used by Marketing team for accessibility validation of emails.
  • Validates HTML, Outlook, and Word Files