Device Management Tool

The device management system has been developed to fetch the device data, retailers’ information. It is a single platform of updates to be reflected in multiple pages. Has minimized time usage by creating dynamic HTML DOM with the usage of DMS JSON to more than 80%.

Business Problem

  • All the devices are loading from CMS Model Data in multiple pages.
  • In order to update a device, changes must to be made in all the pages to get reflected.
  • Model Data with huge number of devices are taking too much time to page load.


  • Add Device- This screen contains the properties of the device with specific format to enter the device details along with data table displaying the devices data from JSON.
  • Device catalog- Displays the JSON data of devices in a tabular format with filter and Edit/Delete options.
  • Generated JSON- Categorised data in JSON format , HTML format , Table format with specific data.
  • DMS Utilities- Updating Retailers * Import XML * Image Resize * Database import * View Retailers
  • Bulk Update- Modify and update the bulk number of devices in a single click
  • Publish- Modify and update the bulk number of devices in a single click
  • Price Fetcher- Fetches the price of the devices w.r.t SKUID and BIG ID from two different API’s.
  • All device- Displays the JSON data of devices in a tabular format like device Catalog with additional feature of show/hide device.

Why is the solution unique

  • All the devices are loading from DMS JSON in multiple pages.
  • Single click to update/ publish the devices
  • Creating dynamic HTML DOM using DMS JSON is decreased ~80% of PLT

BP diagram of the solution

Customer Appreciation

Extremely proud of this launch, thanks to the HCL team for building DMS which jumpstarted the automation process. The improvements to the page load time for this launch is amazing. Thanks to all those who created this tool and made this a success.- Customer Words