Project Dashboard Logo

Project Dashboard

HCL’s developed tool for real data visualization, helps in monitoring the status of the project with valuable and customizable reports on project traceability, bugs trends, monthly reports and many other metrics.

Business Problem

  • Provides valuable and concise data for better decision making and contributes to business success
  • Digital transformation of business.


The solution helps in creating customized charts, reports and metrics valuable for strategic decision making.

  • Summarized reports in diverse formats (excel, pdf)
  • Custom query functionality to fetch required data.

Why is the solution unique

Can be utilized in any project as a replacement of vso with addition functionalities like taking data from multiple source, design rich charts etc.

Features/BP diagram of the solution

  • Easy to evaluate the bug data on monthly or quarterly basis
  • Provides the status of the projects through different configurable parameters
  • Ability to fetch important details as required by the management with easy selection of the desired project present in the uploaded excel or from the VSO/TFS
  • Easy and smooth navigation throughout the information along with download feature