Content Creator Tool

An Azure based centralized user interface tool reduces load on technical team for email creation and preview. Has features like Paid Media, Email Catalog and Image Cuts.

Business Problem

  • Dependency on Technical Team for Email Creation & Email Preview
  • Overhead to track and manage Dynamic Link Doc for SL, MLL, Legal Terms, Links & Alt Texts
  • Dependency on Third Party Tools like SFMC, Azure Image Storage Explorer, Filezilla etc
  • Multiple follow ups with Market Owners from Microsoft Store team to get email content related issues fixed


A comprehensive Web-based tool that runs on Azure with multiple features like

  • Email
    • Users can now easily create, update emails based on 7 different types of templates with multiple color options
    • Real time preview of personalized emails built up as they start filling the dynamic content in five different email clients
    • Integrated image library, helps the user to browse and select the images stored in the library an embed them in personalized email content.
  • Paid Media
    • Provides 9 different types of assets with different dimensions each and different set of color depending upon the product category
    • Fast and real time preview of the personalized paid media assets.
  • Email Catalog
    • Replacement for dynamic link doc as all the campaign level and email modules levels details are present as default which can be viewed at the real time in the preview pane
    • Information in the campaign level and module level changes in the real time as and when the input values are changed.
  • Image Cuts
    • With different image sizes under each category, user can quickly and easily create image cut with multiple images of a single product
    • User can upload any image which will be scaled up or down and re-adjusted to fit the different image size
    • User have an option to add multiple versions with different logo for the same image size
    • User can move the uploaded image within the canvas container of the image according to the requirement
    • Finally , the user can directly upload all the personalized image cut to SharePoint with just a single click.
  • Image Library
    • Provides its own library for uploading or viewing all the images that can be used while creating an email or paid media
    • Image uploaded in the library are directly saved to the azure storage container
    • With lazy loading in place, the images get added upon scrolling which reduces any kind of response issue
    • With multiple tag and filters in place for quickly searching the images, the images can be easily found based on the tag or the category/dimension with which it is associated.

Why is the solution unique

  • Significant time savings during high inflow of emails will allow team to focus on other tasks.
  • Reduction in churns, error and back & forth communications.

Customer Appreciation

The tool is very effective and feature rich. The agile approach used by the business and tech team to iterate and prioritize features delivered a higher-quality tool quickly that meets the needs of the users.
Value delivered: $1,512,000 (For 3 yrs)