Outlook React Portal

The Outlook Data Portal serve as a one-stop-shop for all content under the umbrella of “Outlook Business Intelligence” in FY22. This web platform will host the existing C+T Analytics PowerBI dashboards along with Outlook documentation and Wikis. 

Business Problem

Outlook Analytics team were using PowerBI tool to access and track market trends based on telemetry data that is somewhat primitive in terms of features and performance. The leadership requested  to investigate alternative solutions to provide a more extensible, tool-agnostic and performant web portal. 


Prepared a web platform to support analytics services including but not limited to PowerBI. The portal could also host outlook documentation and wikis, platform framework for self-serve reports to improve the experience for our customers with the current web portal.

Why is the solution unique

  • Included better search tab to discover relevant reports, documents and bookmark them.
  • Designed a Data Bot for organic data questions
  • Provided a QnA forum in Data Platform Teams channel.

Architecture/BP diagram of the solution