HCL AUX Testing Framework Suite

AUX Testing framework enables businesses to validate and reaffirms the accessibility rules on their applications and mobile apps as per the defined guidelines by WCAG.

Business Problem

  • Digital Age- Innovation and new opportunities to ‘everyone’
  • Leaders in disability employment and inclusion out forms others at a substantial rate
  • Providing the accessibility checks helps in ensuring resilient growth and builds an innovative accessible environment for all.


AUX framework helps in validating an application or mobile apps against accessibility rules as defined by WCAG. It is technology and platform independent and can be integrated within the CI/CD pipeline to deliver faster and effective releases.

  • AUX provides highly scalable and customizable solution to cater to the special segment of the society
  • It generates comprehensive dashboards enabling better decision making and provides remediation support to the developers.

Why is the solution unique

  • Complies with the principles of WCAG which is de facto standard for government regulators
  • Can be deployed as a plugin, web solution, validator
  • Attracts users with disabilities to increase company market share
  • Helps in creating a sustainable culture of accessibility

Features/BP diagram of the solution

  • AUX browser plugin:
    • Automates 40% of WACG rules
  • Site Monitoring:
    • Validates the accessibility of sites after every release
  • Data Analytics Dashboard:
    • Provides analytics driven insights for better decision making
  • Scorecard:
    • Single view of compliance status for all digital properties
  • Remediation Chatbot:
    • Empowers developers with built-in defect remediation features to scale up the test execution time
  • File Validator:
    • Highlights the accessibility violations, can support multiple file formats (HTML, CSS, RSS, DITA, Outlook, Word documents and images)

Proof Points

Proactive tool developed which senses customer requirements. Used by AcaaS Accessibility Teams for automation testing. Benefits realized

  • Saves investigation time for finding code issues.
  • Faster Mean Time to Resolution (MTTR)
  • ~40% WCAG rules coverage.