Remediation ChatBot Logo

Accessibility Remediation Chatbot

Bot that provides essential suggestions for accessibility remediation fixes with inbuilt, ready to use components that are WCAG2.1 compliant.

Business Problem

The requirement was to have a consolidated repository of solutions that can be used for training and guiding developers who are new to accessibility development.


Accessibility Remediation Chatbot was developed covering sample code for major components.
It provides information regarding-

  • Suggested Fixes
  • Training
  • Design Recommendations

Why is the solution unique

  • Accessibility implementation covered with sample code for major components
  • Consolidated repository for common features
  • Easily expandable to add custom features
  • Unique tool that promotes self-learning

Features/BP diagram of the solution

Chatbot helps in:

  • Quicker Development
  • Less / No accessibility defects on components during accessibility assessment
  • Training of development team members who are new in the area of accessibility development.

Proof Points

  • Empowered the Remediation Team by reducing the development time with no or less defects on components during accessibility checks.