ADF Monitor

ADF Monitor provides the health status of your Azure data factory pipelines and information on the design elements and issues encountered during ADF pipeline execution. The details include pipeline and activity execution timelines, pass or fail status, error message along with the activity specifics where the failure has occurred.

Business Problem

  • Timelines pressure on Operations team
  • Execution failures due to large or erroneous data
  • Delayed decision making due to delayed defect detection/ root cause analysis.


ADF Monitor helps Ops teams to quickly respond to ADF pipeline failures by highlighting the exact error message. With Inbuilt dashboards one can easily visualize the pipeline performance trends and take proactive measures to mitigate even before the ETL processes performance worsen below the acceptable levels.

Why the solution is unique?

  • ADF pipeline status can be viewed from both mobile and desktop without accessing the Azure Portal
  • Comprehensive Dashboards for performance metrics visualization
  • Brings the design aspects of linked services, data sources and triggers to review & optimize the configuration
  • Raises automated alerts and ADO integration for defect tracking.


  • Faster resolution of ADF pipeline/activity errors
  • Business users can monitor the pipelines status
  • Proactive identification of pipeline performance degradation, bottlenecks, spike behavior
  • Opportunity to review the design configuration of dependent resources (linked services, triggers etc.)

Power BI dashboard screenshot.